
Land of Opportunities (LOPPO)

Nº 2023-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000164911

Project consortium:
ADR Comarca de Lugo (Spain)
Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (Bulgaria)
Educational Association z.s. (Czech Republic)
Instituto Pedro Nunes (Portugal)
Bia Innovator Campus CLG (Ireland)
Funded: Erasmus+ KA220
Project duration: 01.12.2023 – 30.06.2026
Budget: 250.000,00 €


Residents in European rural areas represent an aging population. There is also a significant challenge in ensuring both continuity and necessary evolution among generations of green entrepreneurs in rural areas. In 2023, the European Year of Skills, the LOPPO project aims to be a valid, innovative, accessible, and sustainable tool. On the one hand, it aims to train and advise current and future green entrepreneurs to develop essential digital, leadership, and communication skills. On the other hand, it seeks to advise green entrepreneurs and landowners to facilitate agricultural transmission, allowing more people to stay or move to rural areas to establish sustainable businesses aligned with current priorities. For this purpose, the partnership will work to promote constructive exchange and communication between current green entrepreneurs and aspiring ones. This will enable current entrepreneurs to make land available for cultivation, addressing the primary barrier to entrepreneurship in rural areas—limited access to capital for land purchase or rent, given the difficulty of seeing a short-to-medium-term return on investment.

LOPPO promotes activities completed to achieve the following project objectives:
-Promote sustainable rural development by training people in digital and business skills
-Reduce the depopulation of rural areas
-Improve the quality of life of the rural population
-Promote equal opportunities
-Promote the integration of ICT in the rural world
-Provide advice and technical training

The project promotes job creation and economic development in rural areas, which, in turn, can contribute to reducing the gap between urban and rural areas in terms of employment opportunities and quality of life. Undoubtedly, a unique opportunity to contribute to rural development that can be replicated in other European rural contexts.
Digital and business training will help improve the efficiency and competitiveness of rural businesses, enabling them to adapt to trends and technological changes in the European market.
The project will offer training and guidance opportunities based on the exchange of international partner experiences, ensuring the quality of the results.
Training and guidance will help create networks and business communities in European rural areas, fostering collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and experiences. Additionally, the project will contribute to improving the quality of life for people residing in rural areas, strengthening social cohesion, and reducing migration to urban areas.

Work Packages:
WP1 – Project Management
WP2 – Social Hackathon Methodology
WP3 – Training Itineraries
WP4 – Web App and Dissemination

Project target groups:

  • Unemployed adults interested in getting involved and wanting to acquire digital, managerial, and rural entrepreneurial skills to develop a viable business idea.
  • Women who wish to engage in the world of green entrepreneurship and need support to overcome gender barriers and access resources.
  • Young adults seeking job opportunities in rural areas and wanting to enhance their digital and practical skills to succeed in the labor market.
  • Migrants who wish to settle in rural areas and need training and support to integrate into the rural community.

Project results:

  • Involve at least 300 users in the initial research survey
  • Carry out at least 5 social hackathons with the participation of at least 250 users
  • Carry out a 60-hour training course, divided into modules, and attended by at least 150 people during the life of the project.
  • Create an ebook and manual of recommendations to promote the reapplicability of the project
  • Carry out 5 Loppo Fairs to promote the results, involving at least 250 people.

Newsletter #1