ADMINISTRATOR 21.06.2018 No Comment
The European Covenant of Mayors Office would like to inform you about a range of exciting upcoming opportunities for signatories to be involved in:
- New Covenant twinning call for 2018
The call for the 2018 twinning programme of the European Covenant of Mayors will open on 28 June. The programme offers cities, regions and provinces across Europe the opportunity to take part to twinning exchanges that aim to increase local authorities’ capacity and knowledge to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The programme is open to all European Covenant signatories and territorial coordinators, as well as to municipalities, provinces and regions that are not part of the Covenant of Mayors signatories, under the condition that they join the initiative before their twinning visit. The call enables local authorities to participate in two types of exchanges, mentoring and peer-to-peer exchanges. For this call, a total of 6 twinning exchanges for municipalities and 1 exchange for territorial coordinators will be financed.
The call for applications will be open until 14 September – for more information, please contact Claire Baffert:
- Be part of the Covenant delegation at the ChangeNow Summit in Paris
The ChangeNOW summit, taking place on the 28-29th of September in Paris, is the international rendez-vous for Positive Impact, bringing together hundreds of innovators, investors, media, corporates and mission-driven participants, to help scale solutions that can change the world.
All EU local politicians of the Covenant community are invited to participate in a Mayors’ delegation for the ChangeNOW International Summit for Change in Paris on 28 September 2018.
This call is opening to all EU elected city representatives of the Covenant of Mayors Community. Selected local politicians will have their entrance fees to the conference covered. Travel costs will be at participants’ own costs. In order to be part of the delegation, please fill in this application form before Friday 13 July. Members of the delegation will be selected based on municipalities’ size and geographical balance.
For more information, please contact
- Join the 2018 Climathon and find innovative solutions to your climate and energy challenges
The Climathon is a 24-hour hackathon taking place on 26 October 2018 simultaneously in major cities around the world. The European Covenant of Mayors, partnering with the event, invites all the municipalities of the Covenant community to join this global movement dedicated to solving the toughest climate challenges cities face today. The Climathon is open to all municipalities regardless of size, and it is free of charge.
Registrations are open here until end of July 2018. If you register, please also inform
- Participate in the General Assembly of the EU Smart Cities Initiative in Sofia
The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) is organsing its 2018 General Assembly in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 27-28 June. This year’s event debuts an onsite matchmaking programme designed to stimulate investment in civic improvements, bringing city and industry representatives seeking support for projects together with motivated investors. During the General Assembly, the latest smart city trends, best practices and success stories will be presented and advanced technologies will be on displayed in the Exhibition Hall showcasing how smart solutions improve lives and livelihoods.
Agenda & Registration (free for municipalities) here
Source: European Covenant of Mayors Office