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Project: CONN (E +) CTING CONNECTIng aNd exchanGeing

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CONNECTIng aNd exchanGeing


Project partners:
Asociatia Psihologilor Gorjeni (APSG), Romania – lead partner
Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA), Bulgaria
Belen Kaymakamligi (BK), Turkey
IED, Greece
Active Youth, Lithuania
Ingalicia, Spain
Association CPDIS, Romania
Funded by: Erasmus+ KA210-YOU-Small scale partnership in youth
Duration: 12 months (01.04.2022 – 31.03.2023)
Project objectives:

  • O1 Increasing the skills of working with non-formal education methods for 30 people during 12 months of the project . O1 will be achieved through exchanges of experience and workshops in GR, TR, LT, ES, BG
  • O2 Development of work skills with young people with fewer opportunities through inclusive and non- formal methods. O2 will be achieved through experience exchanges and workshops in GR, TR, LT, ES, BG
  • O3 Growth sustainable organizational practice through the exchange of good cross- sectoral practices through the Brokerage Event from Romania.

Project activities:

  • 1 Management CONN (E +) CTING – management activities, evaluation and monitoring
  • 2 Study visits – exchange of good practices – international workshops for acquiring new skills working with non-formal education methods
  • 3 Brokerage Event + National Workshops – workshops in which participating trainers will teach internal trainers to work with adults and adults with fewer opportunities + Brokerage Event (element of sustainable sustainability)

Direct target groups:

  • 30 pax from the 7 partners who take part in the workshops and the exchange of experience international
  • 14 pax from the 7 partners participating in the Brokerage Event in Bucharest
  • 20 trainers / facilitators (4 pax x 5 workshops) involved in the national workshops M 5- M 9
  • 40 young people with reduced opportunities (8 pax x 5 workshops) involved in the national workshops M 5- M 9
  • This WG will help us achieve O1-3 and the sustainable development of the 7 Partners.

Indirect target groups:

  • young people with opportunities who will benefit from the know- how acquired by trainer / facilitator
  • volunteers from partner organizations
  • stakeholders interested in methods of non-formal education and digital skills development (how to use : Minds, Kahoot, ZOOM, Google Classroom, etc.)