ADMINISTRATOR 26.05.2022 No Comment
Undiscovered values of Moldova
Cultural tourist attractions from Moldova integrated in the cross-border business project in the tourism field – HERIPRENEURSHIP
The third partners meeting in Moldova held during the period 15th – 18th May 2022 brought full of information and emotions. The project partners from Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia and Turkey met in Chisinau to discuss important matters and peculiarities, which distinguish Moldova as an entertaining and attractive tourist destination.
On the 16th of May the partner representatives, hosted by the National Association for Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (ANTRIM), the Moldovan partner, experienced the national customs and folklore by visiting Arta Rustica Complex, the place celebrating the national carpet and the carpet motif being a national symbol and the Chateau Vartely – one of the largest wineries in the country. These among others, represent the pilot route that the Moldovan partner will promote through HERIPRENEURSHIP.
In the spirit of culture heritage recognition, on the 17th of May the partners visited some of the most impressive museums in the capital Chisinau – the National Museum of ethnography and natural history and the Museum of history of Moldova enlighten by the national dignity and identity.
During the supporting evaluation workshop, meetings and discussions, the consortium discussed the state of the cultural objects in Moldova, development prospective and specific technical details which will conceptualize HERIPRENRUSHIP in the long run dimension. At the press-conference was present as well the State Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Mr. Andrei Chistol. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova is the most important partner of ANTRIM in the implementation and visibility of HERiPRENEURSHIP project at the national level, as well as in the positioning of the Republic of Moldova in the Black Sea Basin Area.