ADMINISTRATOR 30.01.2023 No Comment
Invitation for submitting the papers for Conference
Sustainable Tourism, Heritage Management and the Cultural and Creative Industries: Creating New Investment Opportunities at Places of Cultural Significance
Held in Tulcea, Romania, June 8th-9th 2023
Dear Colleagues,
We are glad to announce the international conference on Cultural Heritage Entrepreneurship, Cultural and Heritage Tourism, Sustainable, Green and Responsible Tourism, Sustainable Heritage Management, Economics and Sociology, Cultural and Creative Industries, Heritage Interpretation and Communication, Archaeology, History, Ethnology in the Black Sea area will take place on June 8th-9th 2023 in Tulcea, Romania.
The conference is organized in frame of the project BSB/831 ”Establishing Long-Lasting Partnerships to Upgrade Heritage-Based Offers and Create New Investment Opportunities in Tourism and the Cultural and Creative Industries at UNESCO Designated Areas in the “Black Sea Basin” (HERiPRENEURSHIP) belonging to the ENPI CBC BLACK SEA JOP The Black Sea Programme is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument
The aim of the International Conference “Sustainable Tourism, Heritage Management and the Cultural and Creative Industries: Creating new investment opportunities at places of cultural significance” is to overview trends in tourism, digital culture and heritage entrepreneurship as a driver for socio-economic development, gain a common attitude towards latest challenges in tourism heritage management, also under a climate change perspective, explore the powers of the Cultural and Creative Industries for Sustainable Tourism and develop links among academics, policy makers and practitioners who have common research agendas, disseminate research results from the BSB/831 HERiPRENEURSHIP Project and other European projects and initiatives, stimulate new ideas and tools for digital culture, green and responsible tourism, heritage interpretation and cultural communication.
More information can be downloaded from <<here>>!