admin-ubbsla 01.12.2014 No Comment
The Annual General Assembly of the Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA) will be held on December 18th (Thursday), 2014 at 11.00 am in the “Graffiti Lounge” hall, Graffit Gallery Hotel in Varna
Preliminary Agenda for the General Meeting:
1. Opening of the General Meeting of UBBSLA, adoption of the agenda.
2. Election of chairperson and reporter of the meeting of theGeneral Assembly of UBBSLA.
3. Report of the UBBSLA activities 2014, and presentation of thepriorities for 2015
4. A statement of funds from membership dues for 2014 – paid dues from municipalities. Adoption of the budget of UBBSLA2015
5. Election of Board and Chairman of UBBSLA mandate 2014/15
6. Presentation and discussion of future actions and initiatives of the Association.
7. Other