admin-ubbsla 27.11.2016 No Comment
We are happy to announce that the first iBook in the EUROTHENTICA collection is at the Appstore for free download:
The first publication at the Appstore is a part of the Trilogy (Cultural Route, iBook, Heritage Games) – the final result of DIVERTIMENTO project. The Trilogy is inspired by the COE Principles for Cultural Routes, exploiting both the technology intense experience and the onsite experience in the territory.
DIVERTIMENTO diversifies tourism offers in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services, addressing stakeholder alliances and improving professional skills to internationalize locally operating micro-enterprises, achieve excellence and facilitate their uptake by the global market. The Project combats stakeholder fragmentation and detects the unexploited cultural potential in peripheral destinations by uniting forces and by replacing outdated skills and mind-sets with a new, shared vision for development