9000 Varna, 4 Preslav St.
+359 888 601 500
COASTCRAFT – Creative Options And Smart Techniques for Coastal Regions Adapting Flooding Tactics
COOPOWER – Strengthening cooperative employment practices for the empowerment of vulnerable youth
FOSTER: Future Oriented Solutions Towards Environmental Resilience
Improving Emergency Response Capacities to Natural and Man-made Disasters in Small Communities across the Black Sea Basin Region (IMPACT+)
EfxINNOs: Establishing and Operating an Innovative Marine Technology Transfer Network for Enhancing the Transition to a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea Basin
SEEDGUARD: Seed Guardians for Biodiversity, Agrobiodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Climate Adaptation
ProLIGHTmed: Progressive solutions in greener optimization of public lightning in EURO-MED area
eWAsTER: Preventing e-waste from polluting MED water by turning waste into a resource
European digital nomads (EDIN)
Empowerment of the stakeholders in the implementation of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources in term of energy storages and energy networks stability (ESINERGY)
EGov4Youth – Empowering Youth through e-Government: bridging engagement and digital governance
LOPPO: Land of Opportunities
HECTOR: enHancing protECTion Of touristic sites in euRope
TALE: TAke the Lead in the EU elections
Black Sea E-mobility
CLAIRE – loCaL AuthorIties for a gReener Europe
E-VOICE – A Voice for Europe
HERIPRENEURSHIP: Establishing long-lasting partnerships to upgrade heritage-based offers and create new investment opportunities in tourism and the cultural and creative industries at UNESCO designated areas in the Black sea basin