ADMINISTRATOR 08.05.2018 No Comment
On Tuesday, the 12thJune2018 in the hall “Sala Figlia di Iorio – Palazzo della Provincia” , Pescara, it will be held the final dissemination and meeting event with local,regional and European accredited stakeholders about artificial marine reefs regarding the
“Artreefs” project!
The “Artreefs” project was launched in August 2016 and will end in 2018 in Pescara with two
1. Dissemination Event: dissemination of the achieved results and analysis of the potentialities
for a sustainable development of the Adriatic coast focused on the use of artificial reefs;
2. Brokerage Event: unique opportunity for meetings among public and private sectors,
institutional authorities, universities, research centres, companies, NGOs, sports associations,
etc., to consolidate and/or create new partnerships in the field of tourist packages using artificial
reefs for blue growth.
The Abruzzo Region – Department of Tourism, Culture and Landscape, winner of the project
based on direct funds “Artreefs”, together with five other European organizations (INNOGATE
to Europe, CNR-ISMAR, Pôle Mer Méditerranée, Bulgarian Guide, Bulgarian Union of Local
Authorities of the Black Sea), promoted the use of innovative artificial reefs as a versatile tool to
tackle widespread challenges in the Mediterranean and Black sea regions, such as
environmental degradation, undifferentiated mass tourism, lack of innovation, seasonality and
conflicts between users of the coastal area.
Official invitation for the ArtReefs Final Event