admin-ubbsla 22.06.2016 No Comment
The slogan competition of the LADDER project is over! Congratulations to all participating countries and participants for their inventive, creative and meaning-full proposals! It has been a huge success with more than 750 proposals submitted across participating countries!
A multiple team formed from project partners carefully analyzed the submitted proposals, following a multiple level analysis. All the slogans were evaluated taking into account several criteria, including: the link with the project major theme, relevance to DEAR, the communication strength, originality & creativity.
The top 34 slogans selected are the following:
- Video – ”Don’t let your eyes cover your heart with judgement”, submitted by Jelena Buden, Dalija Poustecki, Ena Andel, Anamarija Zulicek (Croatia)
- Drawing “Different religions, languages, skin colours; but we all belong to one human journey. Together we achieve more!”, submitted by Andrija Aracic (Croatia)
- Slogan “Raise our voices and not the sea level”, submitted by David Jurković (Croatia)
- Slogan “Don’t put your feet up, Help stop the heat up”, submitted by Kaitlin Doherty (Ireland)
- Slogan “Save the world, and stop slavery too, save the polar bears and our world will get through”, submitted by Keith Elliott (Ireland)
- Drawing “We want a world like a painter’s palette, a set of colors” submitted by Valentina di Foggia (Italy)
- Slogan “Let’s add the colours of tolerance into this world”, submitted by Ivan Jakovljević (Croatia)
- Drawing “Embrace the differences! Build solidarity!” submitted by Ivan Zidaric (Croatia)
- Drawing “Feel free to improve our world!!!” submitted by Patricia Mancos (Romania)
- Video “Heroes” submitted by Daniela Brezániová (Slovakia) (the link will be available soon)
- Slogan “Choose to reuse, Choose not to abuse” submitted by Samuel Saliba (Malta)
- Video submitted by Christina Gatt (Malta)
- Video “EU” submitted by Filip Vujeva, (Croatia) (the link will be available soon)
- Slogan “The ice is melting, the weather’s changing, It’s up to us to keep our world amazing” submitted by Caoimhe Kenny (Ireland)
- Slogan “Forests are the Earth’s lungs and not our dustbins!” submitted by Milana Pilipović (Croatia)
- Drawing “Fight poverty – help people to achieve dreams!” submitted by Jolita Berankyte (Lithuania)
- Videos “Helping our planet” and “Migration” submitted by Alex Stellini (Malta)
- Slogan “Human dignity has no price” submitted by Goran Matić (Croatia)
- Slogan “Remember that you are not the owner of the earth, but its protector and guardian” submitted by Katarina Nedeljković (Serbia)
- Video “Drop your prejudices, high five!” submitted by elementary school Stevan Sremac (Serbia)
- Slogan “A wish for change is not enough. Take the matter into your own hands.” submitted by Isabela Ahac (Croatia)
- Drawing “Rich by birth, philanthropist by choice.” submitted by Josipa Jajcevic (Croatia)
- Video submitted by Christina Magrin (Malta)
- Picture “Have you got the right key? Or… Maybe you lost it?” Submitted by Dušan Grekulović (Serbia)
- Slogan “Respect people’s diversity – try to find similarities.” submitted by Anamarija Hruška (Croatia)
- Picture “Tolerance world” submitted by elementary school Stevan Sremac (Serbia)
- Drawing “Nest – Never give up, Everyone has to show up, Society is our base, The Earth is our place” submitted by Liya Ventsislavova Hristov, Velizara Petrova (Bulgaria)
- Slogan “Protect the environment as a matter of routine!” submitted by Petar Perić (Croatia)
- Drawing “Stop discrimination. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” submitted by Geanina Titu (Romania)
- Drawing “Save icebergs, find the nearest bin” submitted by Josipa Jajcević (Croatia)
- Slogan “The environment doesn’t know any border – why should we?” submitted by Freja Rytter (Denmark)
- Picture “Peace and Solidarity to Our Reliable Future!” Submitted by Davit Didberidze (Georgia)
- Slogan “A small step can make a huge step to equality” submitted by Marta Wawrzyniak (Poland)
- Drawing “By polluting nature you pollute yourself”, submitted by Aleksandra Pļavniece (Latvia)
The best 5 slogans (winners of an Ipad Air) are:
- Video Tolerance – ”Don’t let your eyes cover your heart with judgement” submitted by Jelena Buden, Dalija Poustecki, Ena Andel, Anamarija Zulicek (Croatia)
- Drawing “Different religions, languages, skin colours; but we all belong to one human journey. Together we achieve more!” submitted by Andrija Aracic (Croatia)
- Slogan “Don’t put your feet up, Help stop the heat up.” submitted by Kaitlin Doherty (Ireland)
- Drawing We want a world like a painter’s palette, a set of colors submitted by Valentina di Foggia (Italy)
- Drawing Feel free to improve our world!!! submitted by Patricia Mancos (Romania)
All the winning slogans will be promoted widely, within the project network & during events organized by the project partners. Future promotional materials realized within the project will also make a mention / promote the winning slogans.
The winners will be contacted shortly.
To check the indicative list of the schools that participated, please click here
We thank again all the participants and all the co-applicants which ran the slogan competition of the LADDER project!