ADMINISTRATOR 03.11.2020 No Comment
Second eNEET Rural Annual Seminar & Brokerage event
As accompanied events to the 5th eNEET Rural Transnational Project Meeting, the second Annual Seminar & Brokerage event was conducted digitally on 26th – 27th of October 2020. The international event, hosted by Mantuan Oltrepò Consortium (COM) was scheduled to be placed in Mantua province, Italy. Due to the limitations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the recurrence of many cases on an international level, the project event was online. All project partners, as well national stakeholders and NEETs from partner’s countries took participation during two-day event.
Both days of the event were very interesting, filled with many valuable inputs and contributions. The program of the international event was set up to expose to the realities of territory, where the Italian partner is working. The online event offered to all participants a vision from a social point of view of the relationships and connections created in the area and promoted by the project to encourage the involvement of young people in training and job placement paths.
The speakers were institutional representatives of the local social services, youth information network, some local companies involved in the project activities, entrepreneurs and producers in the region, also young unemployed people (NEETs) included in the activated paths. Participants were able to get familiar with social cooperatives and their real involvement of the agricultural areas in Italy and to discover the strong connection between tradition, innovation, new technologies and youth involvement on the territory.
The international event was officially open with a welcome speech by the President of the Mantuan Oltrepò Consortium (COM), Mr. Alberto Borsari and the Director of the consortium, Mrs. Carmelita Trentini.
Also introduction and greetings were provided by the Sol.Co. Mantova representatives, Silvia De Giorgi and Davide Bianconi, who work in collaboration with COM team as a technical partner for eNEET Rural project. Sol.Co.Mantova is a network of 21 social enterprises active in the province to promote the social and labor inclusion of people, improve the quality of life of the community and create opportunities for social, cultural and entrepreneurial development Sol.Co. Mantova is a consortium of social cooperatives that has been promoting services for people and the territory since 1991.
Very attractive and interesting videos, prepared for the occasion, were proposed to attendees, offering a broad view of the Mantua area and its resources. Thanks to the guests’ speakers and the video contributions, the host partner COM was able to offer a “digital” alternative to study visits in the companies working on the Mantuan territory, their good practice examples and work.
The virtual tour provided to all international participants was among some significant experiences of the territory with the involvement and participation of:
- Informagiovani Network ( information network for young people in the Province of Mantua and reference point for young people, between service provision and territorial co-planning
- Coldiretti Mantova ( – they presented the role of young people in agriculture and the generational change between tradition and innovation
- Coopertative “Il ponte” – they presented their work, disability projects and experiences of inclusion
- Women Impresa Mantova, CIA DONNE IN CAMPO EST LOMBARDIA ( – figure of women in agriculture between family and business
- Latteria Agricola San Pietro – San Pietro digital cheese #exp: the online supply chain of Grana Padano
- Nadalini Agricultural company – Francesca Nadalini, co-owner of the company, presented the experience in the Nadalini company in the context of the melon between tradition, innovation and new technologies
- Cantine Giubertoni – real story of wine production
- Confagricoltura – Agriculture and Technology Information and Training
- Mantuan Agritourist Consortium – Multifunctionality in agriculture, experiences of aggregation and development in the Mantua area
Even online, the event was professional organized in respect of high level of translation provided, session moderation and facilitator work with attended NEETs. Significant number of presentations and great speakers were real added value to the eNEET Rural project.