ADMINISTRATOR 03.09.2019 No Comment
ARTIFACTORY is officially one of our bilateral partners and has agreed to support eNEET Rural project in Greece!
The project eNEET Rural: Facilitating entrepreneurship and improving skills of NEETs living in rural areas, benefits from a €1.5 million grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, focuses on innovation and technology in the agricultural sector. It will create a toolkit for young people age 25-29 who are no longer in the education system and not working or being trained for work (NEETs), living in rural areas in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
The toolkit (called eNEET Rural System) will include online, offline trainings, youth competition, staff exchange and mentoring services. Our project will diminish skill shortage of young people living in rural areas and will boost their entrepreneurship to increase the employment in agriculture in rural areas.
More info:
As the project consortium includes officially partners from Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Norway, we were currently looking for bilateral partners from the rest of mentioned above countries in order to spread the know-how of the eNEET Rural System.
On July 30th, the Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA) as a lead partner of eNEET Rural project officially signed the 1st Bulgaria-Greece bilateral partnership agreement!
ARTIFACTORY already committed to supporting our project across Greece!
Their support will be fundamental in order to bring the eNEET Rural benefits also to Greek youth.
ARTIFACTORY is a multivalent and flexible nexus operating at local level that envisions a culture-driven society. It is located in Kastrosykia, Region of Epirus in Greece. From this corner of Europe, ARTIFACTΟRY is operating internationally attracting projects, skills and networks for growth and development in the heritage sector embracing culture and the arts, the youth and the environment, sustainable tourism and adult education.
The founding members of ARTIFACTΟRY are involved in more than 35 years in the design and implementation of EU and international funded projects in the domain of culture, digital heritage and the arts, tourism, AV sector, VET training, mobility and academic research.
In relation to YOUTH WORK and EMPLOYMENT, the Greek partner has a significant experience to involve into non-formal learning and international mobility opportunities, to empower and support youth to act responsible and creatively for their communities, to improve their life and professional skills.
More about our bilateral partner from Greece:
In regards to eNEET Rural project, ARTIFACTORY brings an 18 years’ experience working with young people under the C.I.P Leader (2000-2006), Leader+ (2007-2013) and CLDD (2014-2020).
Within the signed bilateral partnership agreement the following actions are agreed between UBBSLA and ARTIFACTORY :
- Meting and workshops with stakeholders and target groups: In the framework of its main activities and events organized in its day-to-day work, the bilateral partner will use the opportunity to support eNEET Rural project among interested parties and network contacts
- Data sharing: Both parties undertake to share – in the context of national and international legislation on privacy – the data that will emerge from the implementation of the project, with the aim of sharing common action strategies to address the issues covered by this agreement.
- Dissemination: Both parties will encourage their networks of contacts to participate in the initiatives subject to this agreement