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Project “Engaging youth in sustainable energy planning (EYES)”

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“EYES: Engaging youth in sustainable energy planning


www.projecteyes.eu Contract N 2018-3185/001-001

Partners: Ecoserveis, Spain – project coordinator
Granollers City Council, Spain
Agence Locale de l’Énergie et du Climat de la Métropole de Lyon, France
Agenzia Napoletana per l’Energia e per l’Ambiente (ANEA), Italy
Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA), Bulgaria
Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” (PNEC), Poland
EUC SYD, Denmark
Duration: 31.01.2019 – 30.01.2021
Funded by the: Erasmus+ Key Action 3: Support for policy reform, Social Inclusion and Common Values
Budget: 496 828,00 Euro (80% grant)

EYES intends to implement and evaluate an innovative method based on youth participation on the energy and climate local planning. Climate change is a global challenge that will especially affect young generations. However, young generations don’t usually have a voice on energy and climate planning.

AIM OF THE PROJECT: to involve a group of young people (aged 18 – 29 years) in local climate and energy planning, targeting specifically vulnerable groups of youth.
Each partner in each country will establish a network with local partners to reach vulnerable youth groups and to develop an Advisory Board team that will work to:
(1) Select young people aged 18 -29 interested in climate and energy planning
(2) Meet with them to create a group of young people called Youth Intervention Team (YIT) who are like minded but diverse in terms of gender, cultural background and local geographic area and
(3) Mobilize and train them so they can develop the skills to:
*Help municipalities to enhance local climate plans
*Research best ways to engage fellow young people to tackle climate change.


WP1 – Coordination and management (lead partner Ecoserveis)
WP2 – Engagement of the target groups (lead partner UBBSLA)
This WP is intended to engage and set the basic protocols and structures of the Advisory Boards and the Youth Intervention Teams (YIT) formed by young adults in each country represented. It will start with the formal creation of the Advisory Boards and will be followed by a phase of dissemination and mobilization of the young adults.
The expected results are:
– Identification of best practices for involving youth in climate and energy planning
– Identification of the pedagogical possibilities of incorporating youth participation in the municipalities in collaboration with educational agents
– Creation of Advisory Boards including external stakeholders and definition of their goals
– Mobilization and creation of the Youth Intervention Teams in each target region/community
– Acquirement of specific knowledge on energy and climate and local planning by the trainees

WP3 – Tailoring and development of the learning method (lead partner EC Network)
This is the core WP to develop and implement the innovative methodology that shall foster an inclusive education through the acquisition of skills and competences on energy and climate local planning. The trainees will improve their skills of value not only for the energy and climate subject, but for any other civic and social matter of common interest.
– Transferring and adaptation of the methodology to the new contexts, putting a specific focus on the learning process of the trainees during all the process of analysing and developing public recommendations
– Performance of the needed research by the YIT under the guidance of the Advisory Board. The trainees will gather experience on performing quantitative and qualitative research through different techniques: literature review, survey design and performance, and semi-structured interviews. They will also acquire skills to communicate the results to their peers.
– Development of recommendations by the YIT and delivery to the municipality

WP4 – Evaluation and recommendations for upscaling (lead partner ANEA)
This WP will evaluate the acquisition of specific competences and skills in the areas foreseen in order to identify the key aspects to enhance them.

WP5 – Communication and dissemination (lead partner ALEC Lyon)

The major EYES impact will be the establishment of well-tested approaches and organisational set-ups for youth involvement in European communities, with the specific focus of fostering social inclusion and enhancing skills, as an innovative way to enable public engagement in the energy transition, and developing interface capacities within public authorities to engage with civil society.

EYES: Kick-off meeting in Spain

EYEs Final video