is an organization uniting the interests of all member municipalities and encouraging strong and effective local self-government and active citizen participation in the Black Sea Region.

UBBSLA coordinates the activities of its member in the sphere of local government, energy efficiency, tourism, culture, transport, environmental and sustainable development. The Association organizes the efforts of its member-municipalities in solving common problems in the Black Sea region.


Conferences and international events

UBBSLA has significant experience in the organization and implementation of conferences, discussion forums, campaigns and seminars of regional, national and international level.

Cross-border and interregional cooperation

UBBSLA conducts cross-border activities oriented to the establishment of open civil society, exchange of successful social development practices, encouraging the citizen participation in the process of economic, political, social and cultural dialogue. Representatives from twinned towns from Macedonia, Turkey and Greece and Hungary met with their Bulgarian partners and shared their experience in cross-border cooperation.

Technical assistance

UBBSLA provides technical support and assistance to member municipalities for solving specific problems arising in the municipalities and dissemination of good practice they gained in local self-government.

Information campaigns

UBBSLA supports all public activities of its member municipalities to spread their successful practices and generate official information for the self-government development in the Black Sea region. UBBSLA prepares, prints and distributes leaflets, brochures, guidebooks, and a monthly Newsletter to all member municipalities.

Project management and implementation

UBBSLA undertakes the whole project cycle – identification, development and planning, and then implementation, monitoring and evaluation as a whole mandate or as individual consultancy services.

Innovative practices in the field of professional training and education

UBBSLA provides trainings as direct response to the specific professional needs and problems of the municipal servants and enhances the professional initiative and opportunities for professional development, supporting the national policy for life-long education. Since 2003 , UBBSLA has established Center for Education and Training to improve knowledge and skills of municipal officials, councilors, NGO representatives, etc.

In 2005, UBBSLA is certified to provide services under the ISO 9001:2000 standard for quality management.

Since 2009, UBBSLA is a supporting structure of the European initiative “Covenant of Mayors” to achieve common goals in energy efficiency and environmental protection.


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General Assembly

The UBBSLA General Assembly is the supreme body of the organization. Each member municipality is presented by the mayor of the municipality. The General Assembly meets once a year and is responsible for:

  • Admits and dismisses members of the UBBSLA
  • Determines the number of the members of the Managing Board, elects and dismisses them
  • Accepts the annual financial report of the Association
  • Approves, amends and expands the bylaws
  • Accepts the activity report of the Managing Board
  • Decides on the discontinuation of the UBBSLA activities
  • Decides on UBBSLA membership to other organizations
  • Decides on the size and way of payment of the annual membership fees
  • Accepts the annual strategies and working plan


Managing Board

The Managing Board consists of seven persons – a Chairman, three deputy chairmen and three members. The members of the Managing Board are elected for a period of two years. The Managing Board organizes the UBBSLA activities and represents the Association through its Chairperson.

Executive Director

The Executive Director organizes and manages the UBBSLA operational activities, organizes the relations between the municipalities, informs the Chairman of the Managing Board for circumstance occurred that are of substantial significance for the Association. The Executive Director reports its activities before the Managing Board every six months and before the General Assembly at the end of the year.